about the company


We, the Cryptokrest Forex Signals founded by Kasim Akhter, provide our customers with first-class signals via web, which enable both newcomers and experienced traders to increase their performance in the long term.

We attach particular importance to the fact that you accompany us daily in real time and have a primary interest in supporting you in building up your capital. Our hit rate of profitable signals is 80% to 93%. Our customer satisfaction is 99%, we work hard on the 1%!

We don’t have any “lock-up contracts”. It is your free decision whether you want to be involved in the performance on a monthly basis or not. We have five packages on offer, which your personal contact person can explain to you in a conversation.

Are you new to the Forex area? You have never traded or placed a “trade”? We’ll take you by the hand and show you how to become a successful trader! In addition to the signals, we give you tools, such as our in-house academy, which make trading easier for you and are happy to answer your questions personally. You don’t have to invest hours, days or weeks. 5 to 25 minutes per day are sufficient to implement the signals, depending on the joining of the JRC Academy. We have a proven track record of working with traders who have proven themselves to be some of the best in our industry, with a combined market experience of over 60 years

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Crest investment offers various services to help our clients achieve their financial goal viz:

Oil trading with CFD

kryptocrest oil trrading with cfd

Surprising as it might be, anyone can invest in the oil market to make a profit.

Indeed, the development of online trading platforms has allowed individuals to use their savings to speculate on rising or falling oil prices. To this end, simply choose your method of trading between the CFDs offered by Forex brokers, which are specifically designed for beginners. Crest investment makes a point to explain how these two trading tools work and how best to use them for profit. CFDs for investing in oil: At the present time CFDs are undoubtedly the most appropriate tools for investing your money in the oil price. They are in fact ‘Contracts for the Difference’ that are available online through broker trading platforms and enable individuals to speculate on the price per barrel of WTI or Brent crude oil from a secure area online. More precisely, CFDs enable you to take position in just a few clicks, on buying and selling positions on the crude oil stock markets. You can thereby speculate on the rise or fall of the oil price and close your positions when the price per barrel has attained the price objective that you fixed. Your profit will correspond here to the price difference between the opening time and closing times of your position in proportion to the amount invested and if the price has moved in the direction you forecast. In the case to the contrary your loss will also represent this price difference

Crest CryptoForex Signals


With our expertise in Forex & Crypto trading, we’ll provide you with the best investment 

plans that will boost your steady returns Forex is a portmanteau of foreign currency and exchange. Foreign exchange is the process of changing one currency into another currency for a variety of reasons, usually for commerce, trading, or tourism. According to a recent triennial report from the Bank for International Settlements (a global bank for national central banks), the average was more than $5.1 trillion in daily forex trading volume. Because of the worldwide reach of trade, commerce, and finance,  forex markets tend to be the largest and most liquid asset markets in the world. Market participants use forex to hedge against international currency and interest rate risk, to speculate on geopolitical events, and to diversify portfolios, among several other reasons..

Crypto Mining

kryptocrest mining hardware department

Cryptocurrency mining is the process of creating a new cryptocurrency by solving a computational

puzzle. Bitcoin mining is necessary to maintain the ledger of transactions upon which bitcoin is based. Miners have become very sophisticated over the last few years… crest investment has through the years been part of the bitcoin mining sector. We offer a multi-algorithm, multi-coin cloud mining service using the latest technology your without any pool fees.

Gold Investment & Mining

kryptocrest gold mining

Commonly seen as a great store of wealth, this precious metal is also known as a reliable safe-

haven asset. With a rich history amongst almost all global cultures, gold remains a highly popular investment. Although it has multiple uses, its primary function is typically to hedge against inflation in an often volatile futures market, as well as to diversify existing Precious Metals Investment Retirement Accounts.  Gold has been one of the most valuable precious metals throughout human history, used by elites as a symbol of wealth for centuries due to its rarity and its ability to hold its worth for a long time. Historically, it has been the most common way to pass on one’s wealth as an inheritance from one generation to the next. Gold is considered a worthy investment, with coins and bars available for purchase in various sizes, ranging from one gram to a whopping 400 ounces. Being the most reliable investment commodity available, gold has proven to be a perfect way to diversify your investment portfolio and an excellent safeguard against volatile currency.

Real Estate


Real estate investment involves the purchase, ownership, management, rental and/or sale of real 

estate for profit. Improvement of realty property as part of a real estate investment strategy is generally considered to be a sub-specialty of real estate investing called real estate development.  Real estate is an asset form with limited liquidity relative to other investments (such as stocks or bonds that openly trade on financial markets). It is also capital intensive (although capital may be gained through mortgage leverage) and is highly cash flow dependent. If these factors are not well understood and managed by the investor, real estate becomes a risky investment.

Savings and Loan

kryptocrest savings

Crest investment loan and financing services, .the company offers loan services of up to 1hundred

thousand dollars to customers on certain Investment plans ( branches) In the company, . And also guarantee flexibility of the loans offered to customers .the company discovered that buisness loans are of great help to customers in meeting working capital requirements and expanding the business of individuals. In addition, it can help in maintaining the cash flow during difficult times. In the changing economic climate, business loans can help strengthen your financial stability during lean periods.Financing of customers through loans increases a customer’s purchasing power, making large purchases more affordable Not only does financing through loans make it easier to close a potential sale, but it’s also a powerful tool for upselling. You can demonstrate to customers how a small increase in their monthly or weekly loan payments can allow them to afford upgrades or additional investments which leads to growing of portfolios, without the need to attract discounts or other incentives. Buisness loans can successfully boost your revenue: a study found that the average sales transaction size increases 25% for companies that offer consumer financing through flexible loans .as such ,crest investment is consistently working towards achieving its main goal which is to serve humanity and to make earning , easier for people .


For the last 24 years, our team has been committed to helping you drive your business and reach your goals.

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Our clients are guaranteed steady returns on every trade to keep our clients winning at all time.